Suffering from Stuffy, Stale Smells?

Now’s the time to clear the air inside of your home after it’s been closed up all winter long. But…

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Get Started on Spring Chores

Spring is here, and it’s time to get a jump start on chores. First things first, take care of these…

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Officially Spring!

It’s officially spring, and you know what that means—time for spring cleaning! Mix up a batch of All-Purpose Cleaner with…

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Outdoor Chores

Hi there, folks! Hopefully, you’re all enjoying any warm spring weather you’ve been having lately. If so, then you should…

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Hooray—It’s Pumpkin Season!

Have you ever eaten pumpkin? I’m not talking about pumpkin pie; I’m talking about pumpkin, mashed and served with lean…

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Yuck! It’s a Funky Skunk!

Fall is in the air. Unfortunately, along with the scent of pumpkin spice lattes and wood-burning fire pits comes —…

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Pack Yourself a Vinegar Sandwich!

Back in the days when I toted my lunch to school, Grandma Putt relied on vinegar to keep my lunch…

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Five-Minute All-Star Marinade

Did you have a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it summer like I did? It’s hard to believe that Labor Day weekend is already here,…

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The Hidden Healing Power of Lemonade

For generations of Americans, nothing shouts “Summertime!” like a tall, cold glass of lemonade. Medical experts now tell us that…

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The Ghastly Dangers of GMOs

Unless you’ve been living “off the grid” for the past 10 years or so, you know that genetically modified organisms…

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