Earth Day is just around the corner, and even though we only celebrate our planet once a year, it’s important…
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Eggshells have more uses than the Easter Bunny has whiskers. So when you and your kiddies are done with the…
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After a hard winter like we’ve just had, concrete driveways, sidewalks, and patios are itchin’ for a cleaning. After all,…
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It’s almost official—spring has sprung! That means it’s time for the annual rite of spring-cleaning. So make a plan to…
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If this weekend finds you cooped up inside because of blustering winds and blowing snow outside, take advantage of your…
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The high cost of filling up the ol’ gas tank is hitting everyone hard—including your local supermarket. They’re paying big…
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This is the time of year when I enjoy the toasty warmth of my feather-stuffed jacket, but I’ve brushed against the…
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It’s true that you are what you eat—so choose your food wisely! Of course you know that using a moisturizing…
comments offThis delicious—and easy!—recipe will make a plateful of cookies or a bough-ful of edible Christmas tree decorations. But I’m guessing…
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