Get Started on Spring Chores

Spring is here, and it’s time to get a jump start on chores. First things first, take care of these…

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Officially Spring!

It’s officially spring, and you know what that means—time for spring cleaning! Mix up a batch of All-Purpose Cleaner with…

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Outdoor Chores

Hi there, folks! Hopefully, you’re all enjoying any warm spring weather you’ve been having lately. If so, then you should…

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Yuck! It’s a Funky Skunk!

Fall is in the air. Unfortunately, along with the scent of pumpkin spice lattes and wood-burning fire pits comes —…

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Pack Yourself a Vinegar Sandwich!

Back in the days when I toted my lunch to school, Grandma Putt relied on vinegar to keep my lunch…

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Declare Victory over Vampires!

The threat of the Zika virus invading our territory is becoming more and more real for those of us who…

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Spring cleaning starts NOW with 4 fantastic tonics!

It’s time to turn your thoughts to the annual scrub-down of your home, otherwise known as spring cleaning. Here’s a…

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When the Going Gets Tough…

Did you know that you could team up baking soda with some other heavy hitters and turn the combos loose…

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Spring Cleaning Tips for Canning Bathroom Clutter!

Are you ready to tackle this year’s spring cleaning? Why not start in your bathroom? It’s a small area, so…

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Are Leftovers Lingering in Your Lunch Box?

Now that the kids are back to school, their lunch boxes have returned to action doing daily duty. And the…

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