Honey, Put a Stop to Spring Sneezing

If you dread spring because of seasonal allergies, you might just be able to avoid sneezing up a storm this…

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Peel Off the Pounds with 4 Fat-Fighting Fruits!

At one time or another, just about every American adult has been on a diet to lose weight. And many…

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Pain Relief Is Hiding in Your Kitchen!

Are you suffering from arthritis or sciatica? Have you been a bit too gung-ho with your New Year’s resolutions and…

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Give Arthritis the Cold Shoulder

Mother Nature is giving much of the country an early taste of winter this week, and for some of us…

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Happy Halloween—Get Ready for a Sugar Rush!

Between the trick-or-treating, the scary costumes, the jack-o-lanterns, and the mountains of candy, your little monsters, super heroes, and princesses…

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Chocolate: the Kiss of Good Heart Health!

You already know that strawberries are superior sources of antioxidants, the compounds that battle heart disease. And it’s true —…

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Helpful Herbs Do Double-Duty

All winter you’ve been enjoying the tasty leaves and flowers from your garden-grown herbs in your cooking. But did you…

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Onions—Medicine to Cry For!

These days, the ordinary onion is touted far and wide as a “nutriceutical,” meaning a nutritious food that also has…

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The Great Honey Hoax

That sly grin on your honey bear’s face might be because the little guy’s keeping a secret. A recent independent…

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Stop the Sniffles with Salsa!

Aaahhh-chooo! That’s right—we’re smack-dab in the middle of ragweed season. And that pesky pollen can sure make you miserable. Did…

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