Beat the Winter Blahs with a Bird-Pleasin’ Buffet

Unless you’re lucky enough to live where flowers bloom all year long (aloha, Hawaii!), winter means plenty of gloomy days….

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Perky poinsettias all season long!

There’s no plant more popular this time of year than the poinsettia—except perhaps the Christmas tree itself! If you’re the…

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Get Ready for Winter!

It’s beginning to look a lot like winter. And with just a little preparation this fall, you can head off…

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4 Steps for a Bounty of Spring Bloomin’ Bulbs

It’s time to plant your bulbs for beautiful blooms next spring! This year, try my secret layering trick for getting…

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Stop Those Sneaky Squirrels!

If you have big shade trees around your house, then you probably have squirrels scurrying everywhere. And this time of…

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5 Super Secrets That’ll Get Cooties to Scoot

The summer’s drought and record heat has done more than dry up lakes and fry up crops. It’s also brought…

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Drought Defense

We all know that prolonged dry spells seem to be hitting more of the country every year, and Summer 2012…

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When in Drought…

Rainfall in the upper Midwest over the last couple of weeks has helped bring some relief to parched corn and…

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How About That Drought?

According to environmental experts, the United States is currently suffering through the worst drought conditions in 50 years. The lack…

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Containers on Parade!

I’ve sung the praises of growing plants in containers as simple solutions to problems ranging from poor soil to drought to…

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