A Little Off the Top, Please!

When it comes to trimming your grass, the four most important words to remember are these: Mow high, mow sharp….

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That is NOT your litter box!

All across the country these days, more and more folks are doing their gardening in containers. And judging from the…

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Deputize a Pest-Control Posse

If you’re using chemical pesticides in your yard because you’re afraid that insects will destroy your lawn and gardens, I…

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The Secret to Fending Off Flower Maladies

Diseases that traumatize flowers cause the most trouble in yards that are heavily treated with chemicals. But they can strike…

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6 Signs of a Skeeter-Borne Disease

While mosquitoes do most of their dirty work in tropical countries, they can spread a number of serious diseases in…

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Declare Victory over Vampires!

Don’t become an unwilling blood donor to hungry mosquitoes when you’re relaxing outside this summer. Set out oscillating fans to…

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Help—or Trouble—on the Wing

Most birds gobble up so many destructive insects during the growing season that they’re worth their weight in hundred-dollar bills….

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3 Plants That Keep Wasps at a Distance

There are more than 75,000 kinds of wasps in the world. Nearly all of them are not only harmless, but…

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Hooray—Foiled Again!

You may think of aluminum foil as simply a handy kitchen aid. But its strength and light-reflecting texture make it…

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They Sure Don’t Look Like Strawberries!

Few containers are finer-looking than a terra-cotta strawberry jar with healthy herbs spilling out of its pockets. This is a…

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