Turn Your Garden into Butterfly Heaven

Study after study has shown that communing with nature improves folks’ mental and physical health—and even increases their productivity at…

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It’s Time for Tomatoes!

There’s nothing better on a hot summer day than a ripe, juicy tomato, picked fresh from your own garden. And…

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Raccoons running rampant?

Don’t look now, but here come the critters to kick off their season of mischief making. Raccoons seem to be…

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Give Your Lawn Some Air

Aeration is a classic technique for loosening up compacted soil, as well as solving minor thatch problems. But even healthy…

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Reuse Your Easter Eggshells

Eggshells have more uses than you can shake the Easter Bunny at. So when you and your kiddies are done…

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Get Started on Spring Chores

Spring is here, and it’s time to get a jump start on chores. First things first, take care of these…

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Mower Maintenance Made Easy

It’s time to start thinking about mowing your lawn again! And that means keeping your mower in top shape. Follow…

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Outdoor Chores

Hi there, folks! Hopefully, you’re all enjoying any warm spring weather you’ve been having lately. If so, then you should…

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Gentlemen (and Ladies), Start Your Seedlings!

Now’s the time to get your seedlings going. Here’s how with a quick ‘n’ easy way that’ll turn household trash…

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The Rosy Bedtime Ritual

Just like small children, the roses in your yard appreciate a little extra attention before they go to sleep. If…

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