Groundcovers Are Perfect Problem Solvers!

If you find that your patience for lawn-care chores grows shorter with each passing year, do yourself a favor: Replace…

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Treat your turf to some TLC!

It’s time to wake up your lawn! So treat it to this marvelous mixture, and it’ll rise, shine, and be…

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Is your lawn making your family sick?

Every time you turn around, there’s another study confirming the dangers of chemical pesticides. But what you don’t hear about…

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Turn winter woes into summer WOWS!

March came in like a lion in much of the country — which is certainly no surprise after this winter’s…

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Get Your Landscape Ready—Here Comes Winter!

With just a little preparation this month, you can head off a whole lot of springtime landscape headaches. Here’s your…

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4 Frightening Facts about Chemical Lawn Foods

Here’s a creepy quartet of reasons that you’ll be doing yourself, your family, and everyone else on the planet a…

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A Little Off the Top, Please!

When it comes to trimming your grass, the four most important words to remember are these: Mow high, mow sharp….

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A Cure for Bald Spots (In Your Lawn!)

Brown patches can appear overnight, even on the best-tended lawns. And right now is the perfect time to patch them…

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What to Do after the Deluge

Labor Day weekend is here already, but don’t give up on summer just yet. There are plenty more warm sunny…

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Drought Survival 101: Play Defense

We all know that prolonged dry spells seem to be hitting more of the country every year, and lasting longer…

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