Give Bulbs a Beneficial Boost

Now that the long cold winter seems to be headin’ for the hills, you can find me out in the…

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Get Set for Showy Spring Shrubs!

January may kick off the new year for most folks, but March is really where it’s at if you’re a…

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Terrific Tips for Fresh-Cut Tulips

This time of year, I like to add a splash of color to winter’s gloomy days with a vase or…

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Force Forsythia to Help You Face the Winter Blues

I never want to let the gray days of winter to start givin’ me the blues. So I do my…

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4 Steps for a Bounty of Spring Bloomin’ Bulbs

It’s time to plant your bulbs for beautiful blooms next spring! This year, try my secret layering trick for getting…

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When in Drought…

Rainfall in the upper Midwest over the last couple of weeks has helped bring some relief to parched corn and…

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Watering Wisdom

Not sure when it’s the right time to water your flowers? Listen to your plants—they’ll tell you! Here are some…

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