Worry-Free Watering

It has been a hot, hot, HOT summer in some regions, and if you live in an area that also…

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Deadheading Dos and Don’ts

This time of summer is a terrific time to clip off the heads of your early-blooming annuals, perennials, and flowering…

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Repurpose Plastic Bottles – 5 Easy Hacks!

You know that we here at Jerry Baker NEVER throw anything away if there’s a way to reuse it, especially…

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Reuse Your Easter Eggshells

Eggshells have more uses than you can shake the Easter Bunny at. So when you and your kiddies are done…

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Gentlemen (and Ladies), Start Your Seedlings!

Now’s the time to get your seedlings going. Here’s how with a quick ‘n’ easy way that’ll turn household trash…

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The Rosy Bedtime Ritual

Just like small children, the roses in your yard appreciate a little extra attention before they go to sleep. If…

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The Secret to Fending Off Flower Fatalities

Like turfgrass disease, flower maladies cause the most trouble in yards that are heavily treated with chemicals. But they can…

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Get Your Landscape Ready—Here Comes Winter!

With just a little preparation this month, you can head off a whole lot of springtime landscape headaches. Here’s your…

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The Secret to Fending Off Flower Maladies

Diseases that traumatize flowers cause the most trouble in yards that are heavily treated with chemicals. But they can strike…

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8 Glorious Rose Guardians

Roses are tasty gourmet fare for a whole lot of gluttonous insects — which is why the Queen of Flowers…

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