Have you had a hard time keeping up a perfect perennial garden? Well, what would you say if we told you there’s a no-sweat, no-dig way to have a fabulous perennial garden in less than one year? You’d better believe it, because it’s true!
Instead of digging down, just build your beds up in layers. Here’s how:
Step 1: In late summer (ahem, that’s right now!), stake out the site where you want your new bed, then cover the area with a 1-inch-thick layer of newspapers.
Step 2: Place a few rocks over the papers to hold them down, and soak the area thoroughly. Water again as needed over the next few weeks to keep the papers moist.
Step 3: In the fall, remove the rocks, then spread 6 to 8 inches of leaves over the area. Top that with 8 to 12 inches of good soil or compost.
Step 4: Over the winter, sit back, and let all of the ingredients settle in. Come spring, you’ll have a loose, fluffy flower bed that’ll be a joy for you to plant in—and for your perennials to grow in!
After just a year of gardening work, your perennial garden will be the best one in town! For even more terrific ideas that’ll have your landscape looking magnificent in every season, check out our Perfect Perennials book! It’s packers with hundreds of secrets to growing a fantastic flower garden that’ll turn your neighbors green with envy. And you can even try the book FREE for 21 days with our Free Preview!
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