With warmer spring weather come all the things we look forward to—flourishing flowers, beautiful birds, lush lawns, green trees, and a vibrant veggie patch. But don’t forget about those pesky, not-so-welcome, yard-destroying thugs!
Stay one step ahead of the local varmints with my All-Purpose Pest Prevention Potion. Gophers, moles, skunks, possums, and just about any other critter I can think of will tuck tail and run right away when they get a whiff of this potent potion:
- 1 cup of ammonia
- ½ cup of dishwashing liquid
- ½ cup of urine (any kind)
- ¼ cup of castor oil
Mix all of these ingredients in a 20 gallon hose-end sprayer, and thoroughly saturate all of the animal runs and burrows you can find.
And for more pest-prevention solutions, check out our bestselling book, Backyard Problem Solver. You can even try it out for FREE for a full 21 days with our Free Preview!
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