To Seed or to Sod? That Is the Question!

Are you ready to dazzle your neighbors with a lush, green scene when the weather finally warms up? It’s not too early to start planning, so consider this: If you want an instant lawn, then sod is probably the way to go—but there are factors that may make starting from seed a better choice. This comparison of the pros and cons will help you make a sound decision.

If you start from seed…

  • Pro: It costs a whole lot less than sod, and you have a large choice of grass types. Con: You have a fairly small weather window for sowing.
  • Pro: Seed sowing is light, easy work. Con: Seed is easily lost to hungry birds, heavy rain, winds, and fluctuating temperatures.
  • Pro: Seed will keep in its closed bag for up to a year after its testing date. Con: A lawn growing from seed demands almost constant care for at least the first four weeks.

If you start from sod…

  • Pro: A sodded lawn looks good right from the get-go. Con: Sod costs two to three times more than grass seed.
  • Pro: You can lay it at any time except the dead of winter. Con:Laying sod is hard work—a midsize lawn can require help from four or five people.
  • Pro: It stays put on a slope. Con: Sod must be watered upon delivery and installed within 24 hours.
  • Pro: It’s dense enough to crowd out weed seeds before they get a toehold. Con: Most sod farms offer only two types of turf—one suitable for shade and one suitable for sun.

Whether you choose to start your lawn from seed or sod, this bracing beverage will get your grass off to a sensational start—and supercharge the rest of your terrific turf all season long.

1 can of beer
1 cup of ammonia
½ cup of dishwashing liquid
>½ cup of liquid lawn food
½ cup of molasses or corn syrup

Mix all of the ingredients together in a large bucket, and pour the mixture into a 20 gallon hose-end sprayer. Then spray your lawn (and every other green, growing thing in your yard) to the point of runoff every three weeks throughout the growing season.

Want more terrific garden tips, tricks, and tonics? Check out The New Impatient Gardener—FREE for 21 days! It’ll get you ready to grow with my all-time favorite hints, helpers, and how-tos.

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